Om ’n drieskootgroepering op 100m te skiet met die skote wat mekaar sny, is sekerlik ’n bewys dat my geweer akkuraat is. Maar is dit die enigste maatstaf wat ons moet gebruik om te bepaal of ’n geweer akkuraat is?
We are busy with an exciting process of upgrading Senwes Scenario. Your feedback will be invaluable to ensure that we meet your needs as our esteemed reader.
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Statements relating to the AgriRewards deferred bonus scheme are available since Friday, 7 July 2017.
Thousands of firearm owners were pleasantly surprised by the ruling by the Gauteng High Court on Tuesday, 4 July 2017, that all legal firearm licenses which have expired or which would be expiring soon, are still valid.
If you had to describe grain marketing advisor in Koppies, Christelle Jansen van Rensburg, in only one sentence, it would be that she is in essence part of the Koppies district and that she is there for her producers, with all her heart and soul.
Estate planning can be a rather simple exercise where the first dying spouse bequeaths his entire estate to the last dying, or it may be more complex especially when dealing with the farming community.
The mass and condition of heifers and first-calf cows at breeding time are critical to ensure that the calving percentage is maintained at a high level.
Winter is in the air and it is time to establish your winter vegetable garden. Winter vegetables need a period of six to eight weeks to get established before the first frost.
Before a hunting expedition we sit at the concrete table and shoot over a sand-bag. As soon as our guns shoot a few shots in close vicinity of each other, we are ready for the hunt - or are we?
After the excellent Agri-businesses: Where are we heading? article by Senwes Chief Executive Officer, Francois Strydom, which appeared in the Farmers' Weekly in May 2017, we continued the discussion with Francois, with the necessary permission. We talked about the changing agricultural environment, the role of leadership and the vision and strategy required.
Senwes will again be one of the sponsors of the country's leading agricultural talkshow, Nation in Conversation, which will be broadcasted live from various platforms during the four-day Nampo Harvest Day from 16 to 19 May.
Have you ever wondered what a grain silo looks like on the inside and how it works?
Arnold Bender is the lucky winner of the Apple iPad competition hosted by Nation in Conversation. The lucky fish collected his prize on Thursday, April 6, 2017 and he is now the proud owner of an Appel iPad Air 2 32 gig, with an additional 2 gigs of data for the next 24 months valued at a whopping R12 000.
Senwes Scenario met two young farmers, Willem (21) and Gert Junior (19) Stols, on their farm approximately 6 km from Nampo Park near Bothaville. These two producers had the brainwave to create an entertainment area in their fields at the end of January 2017. On top of a centre pivot!
The Agri-Hertzogville Farmers Union sent a 45-strong contingent to attend the inaugural Senwes Equipment Expo at Nampo Park on 8 and 9 February this year, earning the union a cool R10 000, courtesy of John Deere Finance.
In the April/ May 2017 edition of Senwes Scenario there is a lot of agri news.
Senwes Scenario visited the 2016 Southern African Stud Breeder of the Year, Johan Styger, to learn more about this top breeder and to understand his way of thinking.
The new Senwes website is live. With this change comes a more understandable structure and an improved user experience.
Thanks to a better rainfall pattern than the previous year in large parts of our area of operation, sunflower crops are looking promising. However, it is not clear as yet who the owners of the sunflower seeds are. Is it the farmer's crop, or pigeon food, which looks so promising at present.
The new series of Nation in Conversation takes viewers on a journey through the beautiful rural areas of South Africa and the different industries, characteristic of the different regions, are investigated.
Danie Pretorius was promoted to the position of senior grain marketing advisor at Wesselsbron in July 2016. Just the right man for the position!
R80 000 Mauritius holiday as good as a second honeymoon
Producers travelling through the Free State must have seen the enormous white structure of the Westfert Dome just outside Hoopstad. Approaching this Free State town, the massive fertiliser store is visible from a distance of 10 km.
A number of emerging farmers are being supported by the Senwes Development Programme. But how does the program actually work?
Armyworms have been identified in certain areas of the summer grain region
Eskom is ready to cut the power of 10 municipalities in the Free State and North West provinces as a means to recover outstanding debt.
Dit is die jaar 2016 en BERNINA RSA kyk terug oor ‘n tydperk van 69 jaar se aktiewe betrokkenheid by die naaldwerkgemeenskap dwarsoor Suid-Afrika.
The sound of 39 tractors roaring on a potato farm will have you in awe. This is what Senwes Scenario experienced when we visited Agrivan Farming near Christiana.
Unfortunately, this isn’t an article about your next summer holiday. It’s all about that pesky fly and the hundreds that seem to gather in our homes every summer.
AgriRewards according to Pierre van Eeden, the first Senwes producer who joined the scheme. According to Pierre from the farm Heuninglaagte in the Edenville district, the decision to join AgriRewards was easy. Particularly because 80% of his farming operations involve crop farming and the fact that the AgriRewards bonus scheme had been rolled out to grain customers first.
Tired of having to remember numerous passwords? What about just having one identity which can be used on different platforms? OneAgri is the answer!
The Agricultural Writers SA acknowledged outstanding achievements of commercial farmers, new entrants into commercial agriculture, and agriculturists during the awards evening held on Friday, 11 November 2016 near Pretoria.
One of the highlights of 2016 was undoubtedly the 3-tiered Senwes Equipment and John Deere competition which generated lots of excitement. Here are the winners.
Large parts of the land has been blessed with rain recently after we’ve emerged from probably the worst drought in recent memory.
A quick first year performance review of the new insurance product, Vegetation Revenue Cover, launched by Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Advisors South Africa (Pty) Ltd in partnership with Guardrisk Ltd last year this time.
Krone Comprima turns out 149 bales in one hour.
The previous season was characterised by extremes over the largest part of the Senwes area of operation. The rainfall figures, as well as the distribution of the rainfall, varied from reasonable downpours to very little rain due to the El Niño conditions which prevailed.
This is one of the most discussed subjects which have yielded the least answers. Calibre choice is a broad subject and finding the right solution will take much longer than just one evening's discussion around the braai. It has been discussed extensively, without a final answer at the end of the hunting weekend.
For a city boy surviving his second year in the platteland, it takes a lot for me to be impressed with anything vehicular I might not have spied on the speedy highways of the city of gold. However, nothing I have experienced in Egoli prepared me for the sheer thrill of seeing the John Deere 9570RX tractor.
Above average rainfall was received during the first two months of the season over the traditional Senwes area of operation.
Don’t miss the October/November issue of Scenario which is choc-ful of interesting articles.
This year it was time for the 13th Senwes Young Farmer Future Focus when the event took place on Tuesday, 13 September at Nampo Park near Bothaville.
On Tuesday, 6 September, Senwes Grainlink and Tradevantage spread the Spring fever among the hearts of children and adults by donating several hampers containing mielie meal and blankets.
In order to put a year such as this into perspective, nothing should be evaluated in isolation. You have to establish first where you are in a longer cycle.
The new John Deere shop at head office opened its doors at the end of March this year and has been going from strength to strength ever since.
The Senwes Spinners Cricket Development Programme, in partnership with Northwest Cricket, celebrated its 10thanniversary this year and is regarded as one of the best farm school cricket development projects in South Africa.
For the past 22 years, Villa Crop Protection has significantly contributed to South Africa’s agricultural industry via its unique and innovative approach to crop protection.
The Bothaville Hunters' Association, in co-operation with Hinterland and InteliGro, will be presenting their annual shooting competition. It will be held on 27 August this year at the Marouzlansrust shooting range, approximately 17 km from Bothaville.
Attention all grain customers - Senwes introduces the Senwes AgriRewards deferred bonus scheme which will offer Senwes Grainlink customers the opportunity of earning good deferred bonuses and utilising the benefits thereof. Senwes wants to reward its loyal customers in this way.
The gift of farming raining on him. Meet Bora Monyatsi, an energized young up-and-coming farmer!
The hunting season officially started on 1 May. I am sure all the rifles have been taken out and checked and that hunting trips have been planned in the finest detail.
Late rains has fallen over the country and brought some drought relief lately, but, although grass has started to grow, the rains came too late for the veld to completely recover and produce enough feed for the coming winter. Roughage reserves in the country are in general low and expensive after the drought and producers are worried that the limited amount of grazing available at the moment won’t carry the animals through the coming winter.
Another Senwes producer who supports his district
“I have always known that I want to farm! There is nowhere else where I want to be".
As far as load development is concerned, it is also important to minimise the vertical distribution of shots of the same load as far as possible. The shots must, as far as possible, be on the same horizontal line on the target but the horizontal distribution should also not be too wide should environmental conditions such as wind, mirage and light not have had a significant impact. This process can be explained meaningfully by making use of the following example.
The development of a load for a specific rifle is, however, often easier said than done! There is no easy technique and time on the shooting range is inevitable. The time on the shooting range should, however, be approached in the correct manner in order to ensure that the cost saving objective of reloading ammunition does in fact realise.
After the launch of the new website and app on 18 February this year, the number of readers increased to an astonishing 18 000 users. 94% of these users were new to the platforms and the platforms were visited 21 907 times during March 2016.
The next issue of Senwes Scenario, out in June is brimming with information, news, opportunities to win and loads more.
Join the conversation by downloading the new Nation in Conversation app from the different app stores now! As promised, this app contains everything an agricultural enthusiast would need to be part of all the panel discussions during Nampo 2016.
When I started writing this series of articles I was convinced that all matters relating to short-term insurance could be covered in three or four articles. However, this is the ninth article and the end is still not in sight.
In Celebration of the new Trademark for the Senwes’ Mechanisation Division, the Group is proud to launch the Senwes Equipment brand! To mark the launch of this new brand, the division has teamed up with John Deere to bring new and existing clients an exciting epic competition with incredible prizes.
Senwes Grainlink will be introducing innovative new technology at Nampo this year. The Grainlink stall at the Nampo Harvest Day will be manned by competent procurers and silo personnel and will definitely amaze visitors with their new 3D and application technology.
Hinterland is excited about the availability of large exhibition areas in the Hinterland Hall (old Senwes Hall) at the Grain SA Nampo Harvest Day.
Nation in Conversation will again be at the NAMPO Harvest Day to discuss topical issues in the agricultural sector. South Africa's top thought leaders will be gathering to be a voice for the producer and his key partners and to encourage and stimulate debate with South African consumers.
I receive many questions about the use of a silencer. Will it really silence the rifle? Does it lessen the recoil?
Supa-Kill is a natural food source for rodents and therefore it is much more acceptable for rats. The bait is wheat impregnated with the active ingredient. We recommend that the bait is used where there is little or no competition for food, e.g. dog food, rice, corn or bird seed.
In an effort to ‘turn down the heat’ of this recent heat wave, by midday I found myself drawing the curtains across the windows through which I normally welcome the sunlight and the fresh green and white palette of my garden filled with iceberg roses out front.
South African gun owners are all abuzz about the changes made by the South African Police Services on the 3rd of February 2016, to the Firearms Control Act (Act 60 0f 200).
Senwes Grainlink is focused on the complete needs of the client. You can now deliver maize with a moisture content of up to 18% and sunflower seeds with a 12% moisture content, with no aeration costs, at your nearest Senwes silo.
Whether you dabble in the SAFEX (South African Futures Exchange) on the JSE, wheeling and dealing in moving grain commodities across the country or, indeed the world, or whether you’re a consumer of grain products, you need to download the new free Senwes Grainlink App.
A client recently asked me how often one should clean one's hunting rifle. A number of people won't agree with what I am going to say now, but it has been proven over and over by Benchrest shots throughout the world - the cleaner your rifle the better you will shoot.
In the April/May edition of Senwes Scenario we focus on Nampo, the agricultural industry’s biggest annual show, which celebrates its 50 year anniversary this year. We also have a look at the Huntex exhibition and much, much more.
Senwes Scenario had a chat to the Chief Fumigator in Klerksdorp, Renier Vermaak, in an attempt to learn more about the fumigation of grain.
A journey to a better quality life. After the recent success of Carel Botma's series of articles in a local newspaper, the Veldbrand, we decided to include Botma's articles in the Senwes Scenario.
Senwes Grainlink has announced that there will not be an increase in its handling and aeration costs of sunflower seeds and it will accept seeds with a higher moisture content.
Hinterland and Senwes have kick-started campaigns to collect drinking water to areas that are affected by the current drought.
I don't know if you are aware of the fact that the wearing of hunting/shooting goggles has become compulsory at all SA Hunter shooting ranges and competitions from 1 January 2016.
The new agricultural news app, Scenario Magazine, is ready and waiting for your downloads in the various app stores.
You really have to mine deep to find a truly valuable precious stone. This relates beautifully to Kroonstad - this area is undoubtedly a precious stone.
Game is undoubtedly the focal point in the farming operations of the Crous brothers. These driven brothers are Kobus (49), David (47) and Riaan (43). Their success is due to the fact that they have been farming jointly since 1992 and particularly due to a decision 14 years ago, in 2002, to convert to game farming, which they are now reaping the benefits from.
From security to a love for farming. But Phillip Mukhithi just goes from strength to strength with all the effort he puts into farming. Phillip is a truly inspirational developing farmer.
Senwes Scenario met up with the newly appointed Managing Director of Hinterland, Daan Bronkhorst.
Senwes Scenario had a chat to the Senwes Group Chief Executive, Francois Strydom, regarding the interim results.
Bydraes vir Senwes en Agri SA se droogterampfonds stroom in en is sterk op pad na R3 miljoen toe.
Nasie in Gesprek het reeds in 2013 begin met die eerste produksies wat by die Nampo Oesdag as Senwes Toekomsfokus Gespreks-forum afgeskop het. ʼn Afrikaanse insetsel is op die Dagbreek-program uitgesaai.
At first glance when you meet the owner of South Africa’s first wholly black owned milling plant, Xolani Ndzaba, you immediately realise that his success had to have started a while back already.
Op die Vlakplaas, die een net buite Hoopstad, boer die Barnards, met Koos Barnard aan die stuur van sake. Soos jy aangery kom, begroet die rye Honey Locust en dennebome jou wat jou reguit na Vlakplaas neem.
Die huidige droogte gepaardgaande met hoë temperature is een van die ergste natuurrampe die afgelope 20 jaar.
Landbou moet as ‘n loopbaan vir die opkomende produsente bemark word. Sonder landbou kan ons nie eet nie. As almal hande vat en saamwerk, lê ‘n blink toekoms voor.
Special drought aid fund established to help alleviate the plight of farmers and support the agricultural sector to maintain food security
Regenerative agriculture on the PepsiCo and Senwes agendaSenwes | 07 November 2022
Nie-nakoming van regulasies kan dameienaars duur te staan komSenwes | 07 November 2022
Tree nou op maan Agri SA om sprinkaanplaag te voorkomSenwes | 07 November 2022
Senwes kondig nuwe Hoof Finansiële Beampte aanSenwes | 07 November 2022
#Toekomsfokus22 | Reeks fokus op toekomsgerigte boerderypraktykeSenwes | 28 October 2022
Soja kraai koning en rekordaanplantings word voorspelSenwes | 28 October 2022