Your grain marketing advisor at Wesselsbron has tons of experience

  • 10 March 2017
  • 4978
  • senwes-grainlink

The informed Scenario reader will remember that we already focused on Danie in 2015, when he worked at Hoopstad. This new title was bestowed on him after 21 years service at this agricultural giant.

Danie services a wide area, from Wesselsbron to Hoopstad and Odendaalsrus. Where he focused on himself and his customers in the past, he now has three staff members to assist him in rendering excellent service in this large maize producing area.

Grain procurement assistant, Ronel van der Linde, works at Wesselsbron, Jurie Bezuidenhout, the grain marketing advisor at Hoopstad and Herman de Jager at Odendaalsrus. Herman also featured in the previous Scenario.

New challenges

Danie enjoys the challenges which the new position brings, including the management of staff. His objective is to help them to achieve their own goals. And obviously to lead by example.

His experience stretches over more than two decades, which makes him the perfect candidate for his new position. In addition to his 21 years of service, he has been involved in grain marketing since 2004, with three years' experience in Odendaalsrus and 11 years in Hoopstad. So, the advice you get comes for an informed source. He also makes sure that his personnel remain informed at all times.


He tells us that the areas which they service are quite unique and different strategies have to be used for different areas - "The producers of the different areas have different views. For this reason they have to be serviced in different ways". Wesselsbron and Hoopstad have larger producers and they are close-knit communities. On the other hand, Odendaalsrus is more of a mining area, which brings its own challenges. Producers here are generally smaller than in Wesselsbron and Hoopstad.

New entrants to the market

Danie says that new competitors continuously attempt to access the market. This trend has increased every year, since the free market dispensation came into operation.  Danie and his staff keep up with new market trends and they always search for new markets for producers in order to remain competitive, because - "More and more people want a slice of the cake".

A comprehensive service package for customers

Although their roles are well defined, Danie sets additional objectives for this staff, which includes highlighting the benefits offered by Senwes. A good example is that grain with a moisture content of up to 18% can be delivered. They also help their customers to derive maximum benefit from loyalty schemes such as AgriRewards. "It is more successful when you personally explain it to the customer and when you assist them with the registration process". In this way it does not only benefit the customer, but you also increase market share.

In addition to this Viljoenskroon-born man's knowledge as a grain procurer, he also brings his silo experience to the table which he gained as senior grader at Wesselsbron Silo,  assistant silo manager at Schoonspruit Silo and silo manager at Wesselsbron.

So, for excellent service, visit Danie or contact him without delay!