There are two types that can occur.
COMMON ARMYWORMThe first type, which is also the most commonly known is the fall armyworm. It comes in several dark shades. The following two pictures show what the worms look like. The armyworm can easily be identified by the inverted v on its forehead. The photo shows what the worms look like. Farmers sometimes plow furrows into which the worms fall and are unable to come out of. However, this is not a very effective method of control. Chemical control is the preferred solution. The photo below shows what the moth of the commando worm looks like.
The second type of command worm is the Fall Armyworm. The following pictures depict this type of worm and its moth. The worm's color is different, but it also has a v on its forehead. The worm has four dots on its abdomen, as shown in the photos.

Contact your local farmers' association or Mr. Jan-Hendrik Venter of the National Department of Agriculture to report the pest at
012 319 6384.