In the next Senwes Scenario

Thanks to your participation in our research, the new Senwes Scenario will feature some marked changes, such as a revamped look and feel and size. We’ve extended our focus on the producer to include niche markets and agri and retail news in easy to digest short and insightful articles to keep you abreast of news in the sector.

The regular hunting column will be complemented with 4x4 and outdoor news, with interesting food articles, engaging competitions and a new execution of regular columns completing the picture. If you were one of those respondents who enjoyed the long read, fear not, as our lengthier articles will be introduced in Senwes Scenario and be supplemented on our online platforms.  

Our regular and successful coverage of area focusses and producers in the spotlight remains, however, in an exciting new layout. The next area to hit the spotlight will be the Eastern Cape where we look at Senwes’ extension into that area. 

All this and a whole lot more in the next edition of Senwes Scenario.