A wet summer ahead | South African Weather Service

  • 07 January 2022
  • 1759
  • news

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is currently in a La Niña state and the forecasts indicate that it will likely remain in a La Niña state throughout the summer. During mid- and late-summer, the presence of ENSO plays an important role in our rainfall.  The presence of a La Niña during mid-and late-summer is typically favourable for above-normal rainfall for the summer rainfall areas during that period.


The multi-model rainfall forecast indicates mostly above-normal rainfall for the larger part of the country during the late-summer (January, February, March), through to the mid-autumn (March, April, May) season.


Mostly above-normal minimum temperatures are expected across the country during late-summer and early-autumn (February, March, April), except for the south-western parts of the country during mid-autumn when below-normal minimum temperatures are expected.

Mostly below-normal maximum temperatures are expected across the country during late-summer and early-autumn, except for the north-eastern parts of the country during mid-autumn when above-normal maximum temperatures are expected.

* SAWS will continue to monitor the weather and climate conditions and provide updates on any future assessments that may provide more clarity on the current expectations for the coming season.