
Technology improves shepherding and aids in animal welfare

  • 08 Oktober 2021
  • 1672

The use of sophisticated technologies such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images and GPS technology in farming is not a new concept. In fact, these advanced precision farming systems allow for greater profitability, more efficient farming activities and better environmental custodianship.

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Digital livestock identification and traceability system a first for SA

  • 09 Oktober 2020
  • 3109

If there is one thing the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us, it is the importance of bio- and food security. This not only contributes to customer satisfaction, but also to market confidence.

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Oestyd - Is Metingstyd - Voedselnaspoorbaarheid regdeur diewaardeketting

Nampo Oesdag is sinoniem met die bymekaarkom van alle rolspelers in die landbouwaardeketting. Die geïntegreerde waardeketting en verwante voedselsekuriteit trek aandag wêreldwyd. Verbruikers raak meer opgevoed en vra meer vrae oor die produksie van hul voedsel. Hierdie artikel ondersoek 'n paar voedselnaspeurbaarheidstendense binne die landbouwaardeketting.

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Toekomstige ontwikkeling in Landboutegnologie

Die Internet van Dinge (The Internet of Things) - (IoT) groei teen 'n verstommende tempo en toestelle het feitlik elke aspek van ons lewens geïnfiltreer.

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Vertical Farming

With the global population closing in on 7 billion mouths to feed, humanity is going to have to figure out how to grow more food using less land and fewer resources. So, while some researchers and equipment manufacturers are devising intelligent agricultural implements that will toil in tomorrow's fields on our behalf, others are aiming to bring futuristic farms to urban city centres.

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Die koning van inhoud. Video is die aanlyn leier

Al ooit van die stelling gehoor 'waarom staan as jy kan sit of sit as jy kan lê?'. Wel, dieselfde beginsel is van toepassing wanneer dit by digitale media kom, waar mens die vraag kan vra: Waarom lees as jy kan luister, of luister as jy kan kyk?

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