
Agriculture Value Chain Discussion Series – Tobacco Industry

  • 03 Augustus 2020
  • 2785

The twelfth session of the Agricultural Value Chain | Discussion series continues to explore the value chain and its different components. This time, the series takes a closer look at the Tobacco industry, with considered commentary on the recent ban on the sale of tobacco products in light of the covid-19 pandemic.

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Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series – Informal Trade Part2

  • 25 Junie 2020
  • 2648

Session 10 of the Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series continues to explore the complex world of Informal Trade in South Africa. The panel for this discussion is diverse and representative the different components of the entire agricultural value chain.

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Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series – Informal Markets

  • 19 Junie 2020
  • 2767

The ninth session examines the ins and outs of the agricultural informal trade sector in South Africa. The discussion explores the different issues and challenges around the sector as well as the viability and tremendous potential in small business development for this sector.

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Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series – Logistics

The sixth session of the Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series brought to you by Senwes in partnership with Agbiz takes a closer look at logistics as one of the critical pressure points in driving our food security and competitiveness.

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Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series – Finance

In the fifth session of the Agricultural Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series, brought to you by Senwes and Agbiz we get an introduction to the importance of open and competitive value chains and financing in the system, including the extent of primary agricultural debt and the need for insurance.

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Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series – Milling industry

In the third session of the Agricultural Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series, brought to you by Senwes and Agbiz, viewers get a lesson on the milling industry and how it operates.

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Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series – The Meat Industry

The second session of the Agricultural Value Chain discussions brought to you by Agbiz and Senwes, puts the spotlight on the animal industry. Dr John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz, is anchoring the session and discussions are held between panellists who are key experts in the animal industry.

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Het jy al die landbouwaardeketting virtuele besprekings gekyk?

  • 30 April 2020
  • 2863

Senwes in samewerking met die Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz) het ‘n virtuele besprekingsreeks geloots wat fokus op die landbouwaardeketting. Die informatiewe sessies sluit ‘n inleidende sessie oor die waardeketting in, gevolg deur besprekings wat fokus op verskeie industrieë soos die vleis- en prosesseringsbedrywe. Sessie vier is ook nou beskikbaar en fokus op die primêre produsent.

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Agricultural Value Chain Virtual Discussion - Session One

  • 30 April 2020
  • 2885

Senwes launched the Agricultural Value Chain Virtual Discussion series on 24 April 2020. With the aim of educating consumers and the general public about the value chain and what it means for the ordinary man in his everyday life. This series is designed to provide intricate details of the inner processes of the agricultural sector, from the farm to the table.

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Agricultural Value Chain Virtual Discussion Session

  • 24 April 2020
  • 2820

Senwes, in collaboration with the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz), will be hosting a virtual discussion series on the agricultural value chain. These are the first virtual discussions in the new revolutionary series - A new way of conversing and bringing the agri value chain together.

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