A garden on the pavement - New trend can help feed the poor this Winter

In almost all developing countries, the consumption of vegetables is far from sufficient. Vitamin A is one of the nutrients which is normally lacking in our diets and therefore dark-green leafy and orange vegetables should be consumed on a regular basis. A staple diet, which includes vitamin rich vegetables, goes a long way in strengthening immune systems. 

Johan Scott, an exemplary South African in the Heidelberg area, had an amazing idea to start a vegetable garden on his pavement to try and feed the hungry. In his own way, Johan is doing his bit to support food security and alleviate hunger. If you want to be like Johan this cold season and plant nutritious, low maintenance vegetables to feed the vulnerable around you, here is a list of vegetables to consider. 

Broccoli is essentially a cool season crop that requires cool, moist conditions to develop good heads, but new hybrid seed is available that will extend the growing season into summer, so choose your varieties carefully.

Cabbage is good intermediate to cool season crops, but new hybrid varieties allow you to sow them virtually throughout the year. South African winters in the central and northern parts of the country are especially warm and thus perfect for this vegetable.

Beetroot is usually an intermediate to warm season crop, but can be grown almost throughout the year in South Africa, with spring to autumn being the best time to sow in frosty regions. It is semi-hardy to frost, but in cold regions winter sowings will grow slowly with poorer yields. Sow in autumn and winter in subtropical regions. 

Spinach is a wonderful source of vitamins in your home diet. One of its greatest advantages is that it grows very fast. As a result, you are ensured of harvesting its healthy leaves from season to season. Kale is also the answer to what vegetables to plant in summer in South Africa. An interesting fact is that you should keep vigil, as the growth of its flowers will make it a seed rather than a crop. Continuous removal of the flowers ensures the perpetual spinach production of fresh and nutritious leaves.