Senwes App | New features to further enhance your user experience

  • 17 September 2021
  • 1876
  • nuus

In short: The Senwes App embodies true convenience at the tips of your fingers.

The app, which was launched in celebration of Senwes’ 112-year anniversary, allows users access to real-time agricultural information such as up-to-the-minute market prices, market trends and weather forecasts. Users can also securely access and download account statements, familiarise themselves with the latest agricultural news via their personalised feed, view all available vacancies and learn more about the Senwes Group of companies.

Several new exciting features have been added, including:

  • Notification centre

    Thanks to the notification centre you will never miss an agri-beat ever again. Notification alerts will inform you of the latest news, events and special offers.

  • Biometric login

    Advanced biometric functionality provides a convenient method of assessing the Senwes App. After initially registering with your OneAgri password, you can quickly and securely access your personal feed by using your biometric credentials.

  • Feed likes and shares

    The feed like and share capability allow you to interact and engage with the content enabling you to show us what you like, want to see more of and to share it with friends and family.

  • Shareholder information

    If you are a shareholder, you can now access your Senwes and Agribel shareholder information directly form the app, in one convenient place.

  • Business unit locator

    This automatic geolocation feature enables you to instantly access information on business units within the Senwes Group of companies.

The app is available for free on the Apple, Android and Huawei app stores. To find it, simply search “Senwes App” in our app store.