Die Suid-Afrikaanse granaatbedryf beleef tans ʼn bloeiseisoen, maar die ontwrigting wat deur die Covid-19-afsonderingstydperk op uitvoerhawens veroorsaak is, dreig om die opgewondenheid oor dié positiewe groei te demp.
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Harvest time is upon us. A season for yielding the fruits of the hard labour put in during the planting season and in the months following that. In this edition of Scenario, we look at what experts say we can look forward to in terms of crop estimations in the grain and oilseeds industries.
Die Covid-19-pandemie het die manier waarop daar in die landboubedryf gekommunikeer word verander, en dit is van kardinale belang dat produsente – en veral diegene in ontwikkelende landboukringe, hulself van hierdie veranderinge sal vergewis.
Die pad na voedselsekerheid in Afrika loop straks langs ʼn inheemse vrugteboom. Dit is die mening van twee navorsers verbonde aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se nisnavorsingsarea vir Voedselsekerheid en Veiligheid.
Voerkraaleienaars is dit eens dat gesonde speenkalwers uit goed versorgde kuddes oor die algemeen beter presteer. George Schoonbee, junior produkbestuurder by De Heus, verduidelik in ʼn onlangse uitgawe van Veeplaas, dat voerkrale gesonde speenkalwers verkies omdat hulle beter as swak of siek kalwers presteer.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse wildbedryf sukkel steeds om uit die skadu van die koronaviruspandemie te beweeg, en bedryfsrolspelers is van mening dat drastiese ingrypings nodig is om die bedryf weer op koers te kry.
Na afloop van die bogemiddelde reënval wat reeds hierdie seisoen oor groot dele van die somergraangebied aangeteken is, word produsente gemaan om op die uitkyk te wees vir die voorkoms van stambreek.
Volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse Landboumasjinerieassosiasie is daar nie net meer trekkers in Februarie 2021 as in dieselfde tydperk verlede jaar verkoop nie, maar is trekkerverkope ook op ʼn jaargrondslag hoër.
“Volhoubare waardetoevoeging vind nie in isolasie plaas nie, en daarom is dit belangrik dat besigheidslui as’t ware vanuit hul onderskeie operasionele loopgrawe na mekaar sal uitreik en sáám na werkbare oplossings vir die land se verskeie uitdagings soek.”
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Varkprodusente-organisasie (Savpo) het sy kommer uitgespreek oor die toename in bevestigde gevalle van Afrika-varkpes (AVP) regoor die land. Volgens Johann Kotzé, uitvoerende hoof van dié organisasie, wil dit voorkom asof besmetting in meer provinsies buite die AVP-kontrolesone voorkom.
Desondanks die feit dat veediefstal volgens die 2020/21 nasionale misdaadstatistieke met 6,9% afgeneem het, hou hierdie oortreding steeds ernstige implikasies vir die totale waardeketting in. Volgens Willie Clack, voorsitter van die Nasionale Veediefstalvoorkomingsforum (NVVK) kring die impak van veediefstal baie wyer uit as net die ekonomiese verlies van R1,4 miljard per jaar.
Die Herkouerveterinêre Vereniging van Suid-Afrika (Ruvasa) raai alle veeboere aan om op hul hoede te wees vir haarwurm nadat dié veesiekte in al nege provinsies aangemeld is. Die voorkoms van dié parasiet word toegeskryf aan die warm en nat toestande wat tans in die somerreënvalstreek ervaar word.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Pluimveevereniging (SAPV) het by die kommissie vir internasionale handelsadministrasie (Itac) aansoek gedoen vir die heffing van teenstortingstariewe op ingevoerde hoendervleis uit lande soos Brasilië, Denemarke, Ierland, Pole en Spanje.
Graan SA se virtuele jaarkongres vind plaas op 3 en 4 Maart 2021.
Die biosekuriteitsmaatreëls wat deur die Landbouprodukte-agenteraad (APAC) voorgeskryf word, het ʼn tweeledige doel.
Die 2021 begrotingsrede is ʼn eerlike interpretasie van die moeilike fiskale posisie waarin die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie homself bevind.
Luidens Statistiek Suid-Afrika se nuutste werkloosheidsyfer vir die vierde kwartaal van 2020, het die Covid-19-pandemie en gepaardgaande inperkings 1,397 miljoen mense hul werk gekos.
Dit is nog lank nie tyd om jou reënjas en waterstewels weg te pak nie, aldus die onafhanklike landbouweerkundige, Johan van den Berg.
Die Gautengse department van landbou en plaaslike ontwikkeling maan varkboere en veral kleinboere om biosekuriteit toe te pas ten einde die Afrika-varkpesvirus te voorkom.
Alle aanduidings is dat die brandstofprys weer volgende maand kan styg, alhoewel die styging nie so groot sal wees as wat dit in Februarie was nie.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het die tropiese storm Eloise tot ‘n nasionale rampgebeurtenis verklaar. Dié aankondiging is op 12 Februarie deur dr Mmaphaka Tau, hoof van die nasionale sentrum vir rampbestuur gedoen en volg nadat die omvang van die skade in verskeie provinsies bereken is.
Die Afrika Aanpassing-en versnellingsprogram is onlangs deur die Afrika Ontwikkelingsbank in die lewe geroep, en sal miljarde dollars aan jong agripreneurs bewillig in ʼn poging om die ontwikkeling van innoverende digitaal-gedrewe landboumodelle aan te moedig.
Graan SA se Groei vir Goud Nasionale Opbrengskompetisie sal vanjaar vir die tweede keer aangebied word.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse avokadokwekersvereniging (SAAGA) waarsku die publiek om op hul hoede te wees as hulle avokado’s by stalletjies langs die pad koop.
Following an Executive Meeting, Grain SA yesterday announced the postponement of the 2021 NAMPO Harvest Day to 17-20 August 2021, hopeful that Government policies and guidelines permit the postponed date. Grain SA will evaluate and review the date on 1 June 2021 if necessitated by the National State of Disaster.
Deskundiges by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) berei tans voor vir die eerste kliniese studieprotokol in Suid-Afrika om die potensiaal van ivermektien as doeltreffende teenmiddel vir Covid-19 te ondersoek.
Gemmer word al eeue lank vir gesondheidsdoeleindes gebruik, en meer nog as ʼn immuunversterker gedurende die Covid-19-pandemie. Die vraag na gemmer het gevolglik die prys die hoogte in laat skiet, en teen R300 per kilogram is dié gesogte knol nou buite die bereik van baie Suid-Afrikaners.
Die Nasionale Oesskattingskomitee het onlangs die voorlopige oppervlakteskatting vir die jaar se somergewasse bekendgestel.
Aanvanklike beramings dui daarop dat die 2021-kalenderjaar ʼn goeie jaar vir trekkerverkope sal wees. Die Landboumasjienerieassosiasie meen verkope kan waarskynlik tot 10% meer wees as in 2020.
Die goeie reën van die afgelope paar weke het die land se watersituasie verbeter en damvlakke het aansienlik gestyg. Dit is aldus die nuutste data vanaf die nasionale departement van water en sanitasie.
Die Nasionale Oesskattingskomitee (NOK) het in sy jongste skatting vir die 2020-produksieseisoen die verwagte koringoes op 2,148 miljoen ton geraam, met ʼn verwagte opbrengs van 4,21 ton per hektaar.
Suid-Afrikaners moet hulself staal vir ʼn moontlike skerp styging in die prys van petrol en diesel aan die einde van die maand.
ʼn Innoverende selfoonplatform wat produseerders en bestaansboere regoor Afrika kan help om sprinkaanplae te voorspel én te bestuur, is pas bekend gestel.
Bekende landbouweerkundige, Johan van den Berg, voorspel dat nog reën gedurende Januarie en Februarie oor die sentrale en westelike dele van Suid-Afrika gaan voorkom.
The December – February edition of Scenario magazine looks back at the year 2020, rounding up all the highs and lows and reflecting on how spectacularly we survived the difficult year.
“Die hele oes is uitgelewer aan wat die volgende twee maande gaan gebeur. Die kans dat te veel reën die opbrengste onder druk gaan plaas, eerder as te min reën, is baie groot.” Dit is die mening van Thys Grobbelaar, senior graananalis by Senwes Grainlink.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Jagters- en Wilbewaringsvereniging (SA Jagters) maan dat daar slegs 13 werksdae oor is vir vuurwapeneienaars om onwettige vuurwapens aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) te oorhandig.
Die gesogte titels van SA kampioen, die Qualité-merk van gehalte en Produk van die Jaar is weereens op die spel tydens die 2021 weergawe van die Suid-Afrikaanse suiwelkampioenskap.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf is bekommerd oor die negatiewe gevolge wat die derde verbod op alkoholverkope op wynverwante ondernemings en die totale waardeketting gaan hê.
Suid-Afrikaners word vanuit verskeie oorde gewaarsku om nie ivermektien te gebruik as ʼn voorkomende of genesende behandeling vir Covid-19 nie.
Tydens Desember val die fokus opnuut op die voorkoming en behandeling van Brusellose, en verskeie rolspelers in die landbouwaardeketting het hul steun tot dié inisiatief toegesê.
Desember sal na alle verwagting ʼn gunstige maand vir landbou in die somergraangebied wees, danksy die effek van die sterk La Nina-stelsel.
Suid-Afrikaners sal dié feestyd hul sente moet omdraai om ʼn Kersmaaltyd soos ouds te geniet. Statistiek Suid-Afrika (StatsSA) het onlangs bekend gemaak dat verbruikersinflasie op die hoogste vlak in sewe maande is, en dat die oorhoofse inflasiekoers stans op 3,3% staan.
Dr. Gerhard Verdoorn, hoof van bedryfsake en rentmeesterskap van die chemikalieë-bedryfsliggaam CropLife SA maan alle produsente in die Noord-Kaapse Karoo, die suidelike en westelike gebiede van die Vrystaat, die Oos-Kaapse Karoo, woestyngebiede en die Kalahari-gebiede in Noordwes om op die uitkyk te wees vir die voorkoms van bruinsprinkane.
Die ouditeursfirma PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PwC) het ter viering van Senwes se 111ste bestaansjaar, ʼn besonderse beeldhouwerk aan die Groep Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Francois Strydom, oorhandig.
Senwes and its socio economic development partner, Thobo Trust, recently celebrated the official launch of a new Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre at the Itokisetseng Combined School in Wesselsbron.
“Die tragedie van ons tyd is dat ons so besig is om te oorleef, dat ons heeltemal verleer het hoe om te droom.”
The financial results of the Senwes Group reflect an 80% increase in turnover amounting to R3,517 billion (2019: R1,954bn) while earnings before interest, depreciation and amortisation increased by 49%, from R343m to R511m.
Ons bedryf is nie kwytgeskeld van die hartseer van die koronaviruspandemie of geslagsgeweld nie, en baie van ons personeellede, familie, vriende, kliënte en sakevennote word hierdeur geraak.
Landbou uitvoere het tydens die derde kwartaal van 2020 met 5% gestyg, op ʼn jaar tot jaar grondslag. Op die keper beskou, verteenwoordig dit ʼn rekord-kwartaallikse uitvoerwaarde van US $3,2 miljard. Dit is aldus ʼn markverslag wat onlangs deur die Landbousakekamer, Agbiz, uitgereik is.
ʼn Meesterplan vir die suikerwaardeketting het dit ten doel om te verseker dat 95% van alle suiker wat in Suid-Afrika verbruik word, teen 2023 van plaaslike produsente kom.
The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is starting to change how every agricultural player, from a family subsistence farmer to big commercial producers, produces food and related products. With the world changing at a rapid pace, farmers across the globe are beginning to make use of advance technology to improve their business operations and increase profits.
Alle aanduidings is dat vanjaar se kanola-oes selfs groter gaan wees as die 2014-rekord. Dié rekord sal na verwagting met 29% oortref word en word toegeskryf aan die ideale produksie-omstandighede van die afgelope seisoen.
Die nuutste petrolprysdata toon ʼn gemengde vooruitsig vir die einde van November, met ʼn skerp toename in internasionale oliepryse terwyl die rand versterk. Petrol sal na alle waarskynlikheid met 36s per liter daal, terwyl diesel met 4s sal daal en paraffien met 10s per liter sal styg.
Die getal werkers in die primêre landbousektor het in die derde kwartaal van die jaar met 1% gestyg tot 807 882. In vergeleke met die ooreenstemmende tydperk in 2019, is daar egter ʼn inkrimping van 8% in indiensneming te bespeur.
Dr Frikkie Maré, landbou-ekonoom en akademiese hoof van die Departement Landbou-ekonomie aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, gee maandeliks ’n landboumarkoorsig van die vorige maand se markte. Hierdie is die landboumarkoorsig vir Oktober 2020.
Nie eens die koronaviruspandemie kon ʼn stokkie voor die jaarlikse Senwes Kersboomprojek ten bate van liefdadigheid steek nie. Al het hierdie jaar se projek baie anders daarna uitgesien as in die verlede, was vrolike gesiggies steeds aan die orde van die dag.
Agritoerisme is meer as net ʼn nuwe gonswoord. Dit bied nie net aan produsente ʼn moontlike tweede bron van inkomste nie, maar dra ook by tot werkskepping, ekonomiese groei en bewaring.
Water is ʼn deurslaggewende kommoditeit, en in ʼn waterarm land, soos Suid-Afrika, moet almal in die landbouwaardeketting verantwoordelikheid neem vir die beskerming van skaars varswaterbronne.
Grondvoorbereiding is ʼn belangrike stap in die plantproses. Om dié rede is dit belangrik dat produsente in implemente belê wat nie net voorbereiding vergemaklik nie, maar ook uitsette verhoog.
November is world veganism month. Every year during this time, the spotlight falls on those who have opted to adopt an animal cruelty free life. This brings produce farmers to the forefront of the conversation as well as plant-based options become the go-to choice for people pursuing veganism as a way of life.
Die minister van Landbou, Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling, Thoko Didiza, het aangekondig dat haar departement, as deel van die regering se ekonomiese herbou-en herstelplan, insetbewyse aan bestaansboere gaan bied ten einde volhoubaarheid te help verseker
Die brandstofprys sal na verwagting verder daal gedurende November en motoriste kan uitsien na ʼn prysverlaging van tussen 24s en 27s per liter vir petrol, terwyl die prys van diesel met tussen 10s en 11s kan sak.
Luidens ʼn persverklaring van die Nasionale Oesskattingskomitee is kommersiële produsente van voorneme om 2,746 miljoen hektaar mielies vir 2021 aan te plant. Dié skatting is 5,18% of 135 200 hektaar meer as die 2,611 miljoen hektaar van verlede seisoen.
Dit is planttyd in die Vrystaat, en saaiboere sien versigtig-optimisties uit na ʼn goeie seisoen, gegewe die bevorderlike weerpatrone en die gunstige markpryse.
In its bid to empower communities to create a sustainable livelihood for themselves, the University of the Free State (UFS) is driving a project to further develop the wool value chain in the Free State. The project ultimately aims to build competitiveness for communal woolgrowers.
Alhoewel Suid-Afrika tans ʼn La Nina-stelsel en gunstige see-oppervlaktemperature in die Indiese Oseaan ervaar, is dit nie duidelik wanneer die reënseisoen in alle erns sal begin nie.
Met die verwoestende nadraai van die brande in die Wes-Vrystaat en die Noord-Kaap steeds op die voorgrond, val die fokus opnuut op reaksieplanne en die gepaardgaande prosesse wat gevolg moet word. Daar is ook duidelike veterinêre riglyne vir die hantering van lewendehawe na afloop van sulke brande.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie is tans in ʼn benarde posisie, en volgens Tito Mboweni, Minister van Finansies, sal daar na alle waarskynlikheid eers in 2024 ʼn ommeswaai wees. Desondanks dié somber werklikheid, het die landbousektor daarin geslaag om sy uitsette gedurende die eerste helfte van 2020 te verhoog.
Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers betaal sedert Junie vanjaar ongeveer 46% meer vir aartappels as ʼn jaar gelede. Dit beteken dat ʼn 10kg sak aartappels jou R83 uit die sak sal jaag, teenoor die gemiddelde prys van R34,40 aan die begin van die jaar.
In een van die ergste brande nog dié seisoen en die afgelope paar jaar, is sowat 100 000 ha in die Boshof/Dealesville/Hertzogville area verwoes. Derhalwe honderde stuks vee en wild wat doodgebrand het, het talle huise ook in die slag gebly.
Suid-Afrikaners in die somerreënstreek kan hulself voorberei vir baie warm dagtemperature wat aan hittegolftoestande grens tot en met die einde van die maand.
Die brande in groot dele van die Vrystaat en Noord-Kaap beïnvloed nie net die slagoffers wat daardeur geraak word nie, maar ook die landbouwaardeketting in totaliteit. Om dié rede is dit belangrik dat ons kragte saamsnoer en alles moontlik doen om die impak van dié tragedie aan te spreek.
15 October is International Rural women day. The day is earmarked to highlight the role that women play in carrying rural communities. The theme of this year’s International Rural Women’s Day is “Building rural women’s resilience in the wake of Covid-19”.
At the beginning of 2020, the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service citrus annual report predicted that the South African citrus industry would continue to grow strongly in the production and export of soft citrus, lemons, and limes in the 2019/2020 season.
It is World Food Day, and as one of the United Nations’ most recognised observances, it offers an important opportunity to bring much needed awareness to the issue of food security.
Ter wille van groter voedselsekerheid op huishoudelike vlak is dit belangrik dat kleinboere en kommersiële boere sterk en betekenisvolle vennootskappe vorm. Hierdie vennootskappe moet voorts deur voldoende staatshulpbronne ondersteun word.
If there is one thing the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us, it is the importance of bio- and food security. This not only contributes to customer satisfaction, but also to market confidence.
The rising grain prices, which over the weekend I highlighted their impact on the livestock sector, present upside risks also to South Africa’s food price inflation. This is a case although the pass-through of the recent price increases remains fairly muted, with “bread and cereals” category of the food price inflation basket rising by only 2.8% y/y in August 2020, marginally up from the previous month.
Die stygende graan- en oliesaadpryse kan ʼn negatiewe invloed op Suid-Afrikaanse lewendehaweprodusente hê, aldus Wandile Sihlobo, landbou-ekonoom van die landbousakekamer Agbiz.
As dit kom by landboutoerusting en instandhoudingsoplossings is Senwes Equipment die produsent se aangewese keuse.
The minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, announced the procedures to be followed when applying for state land. She also said that women and people with disabilities would be prioritised when allocating 896 farms measuring 700 0000 hectares of underutilised or vacant state land, which will be advertised over the next two weeks.
Statistics South Africa released the Quarterly Labour Force Survey data for the second quarter of 2020. We had all braced ourselves for a notable increase in unemployment figures, the stats tell a complicated story.
Funding meaningful transformation remains a strategic priority for the South African Cultivar and Technology Agency (SACTA). This is according to its Chairman, Deon van Rooyen.
Following World Rabies Day, the message from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) is clear: rabies is 100% preventable by means of vaccinations.
“Hoewel dit op die korttermyn lyk of die landbou gespaar is, gaan die ekonomiese inkrimping op die langtermyn na die sektor begin deurwerk en dit voorspel slegte nuus.” Dit is die mening van Francois Strydom, Senwes Groep Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte.
Terwyl die koronaviruspandemie ʼn demper op byna alle ekonomiese aktwiteite geplaas het, wil dit voorkom asof die pandemie vir sitrusprodusente ʼn gulde markgeleentheid bied.
In die swak ekonomiese klimaat is finansiering vir produsente lank reeds nie meer ʼn gegewe nie. Hierdie tendens kan onder meer toegeskryf word aan die probleme by die Land Bank, wat sowat 30% van die landbou finansier, asook die feit dat banke se kredietrisiko verhoog en hul kredietkriteria verander.
The Senwes Scenario is now exclusively available online! Disruptions caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus accelerated the drive to a more easily accessible, innovative Scenario. Gone are the days of you having to wait for your Scenario to come in the mail, you now have access to it at the click of a button.
It is all systems go for the establishment of a multinational technical task team to investigate and facilitate greater market access between South Africa and the United States (US).
The agriculture sector has been lauded as one of the sectors that has kept the economy afloat during the difficult months following the hard lockdown that commenced on March 27, 2020. Along with agriculture being declared an essential service, good weather conditions boosted crop prospects, allowing farmers to plant 7% more hectares of grain and oilseed crops.
Die primêre doel van ‘n voerkraal is om voer, die bron van voedingstowwe, na ‘n hoëwaarde eindproduk, karkas, om te sit. Die biologiese produktiwiteit van hierdie proses word deur lewendemassagroei oor ‘n periode en die voeromsettingsverhouding van voer na karkas gemeet. Hierdie produktiwiteit word grootliks deur die bestuur van vrywillige voerinname bepaal.
Die diagnose is gemaak, en dit voorspel niks goeds vir die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie nie. Die jongste verslag deur Statistieke Suid-Afrika (StatsSA) toon ʼn inkrimping van 51% in die Bruto Binnelandse Produk (BBP) vir die tweede kwartaal van 2020.
In Mei vanjaar het die Nasionale Landboubemarkingsraad se vraag-en-aanbodkommitee bereken dat Suid-Afrika tydens die 2020-’21 bemarkingsjaar ʼn geraamde 2,2 miljoen ton mielies sal uitvoer.
“Daar was lanklaas soveel goeie geleenthede vir produsente soos wat tans die geval is. Om die waarheid te sê, hierdie is een van daardie seisoene wat net elke twintig of dertig jaar voorkom.” Dit is aldus Francois Strydom, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van die Senwes Groep.
Senwes se wortels is stewig in die landbou geanker, en gedurende 2020 kyk dié landboumaatskappy terug op ‘n ryk en trotse geskiedenis wat oor 111 jaar strek. Die verhaal van die Senwes-groep is gegrond op ‘n klantgerigte visie en getuig van innovasie en aanpassing van geslag tot geslag.
“As ‘n bedryf moes ons oor die bestek van die laaste twee tot vier jaar baie uitdagings oorkom, maar ek glo dat die lesse wat ons geleer het, ons toekomsfiks gemaak het.” Dit is die mening van Johann Kotzé, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vark Produsente Organisasie (SAVPO).
The latest fuel price adjustment, as announced by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe, has farmers breathing a sigh of relief ahead of the start of planting season.
“Die kritiese element van hierdie samesmelting, wat ononderhandelbaar is, is die voortgesette diensverskaffing aan en betrokkenheid by aandeelhouers en produsente in a groter gekombineerde landboubesigheid met ‘n wyer voetspoor.” Dit is die mening van mnr Francois Strydom, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van Senwes, na die Mededingingstribunaal Senwes se samesmelting met Suidwes goedgekeur het.
Poverty is a dire reality in South Africa. Even before the commencement of the lockdown in March, the economy had entered a technical recession with two successive quarters of economic decline. With the coronavirus in full swing the economy remains under immense pressure and vulnerable communities are faced with severe food security concerns.
As announced on 18 August 2020, the Competition Tribunal approved the merger between the Senwes Group of Klerksdorp and the Suidwes Group of Leeudoringstad. As part of the approval agreement, the merging parties undertook to enhance their current offering to black emerging farmers.
As lockdown regulations are further relaxed and South Africa prepares to fully reopen its economy, it is important to pause and reflect on the lessons learned from the Covid-19 crisis. This is especially applicable within the agricultural value chain.
South African wine producers, like their global counterparts, are left reeling from the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the industry. An initial ban, imposed when lockdown began at the end of March, lasted for nine weeks – and for five of those weeks, wine exports were also banned. On 12 July, amid soaring rates of Covid-19 infections, President Cyril Ramaphosa re-imposed the ban on the sale, dispensing and distribution of alcohol.
It is estimated that the recommencement of the ban on alcohol sales would affect up to one million people working within this industry value chain. This includes the likes of producers, manufactures, wholesalers and retailers of beer, wine, spirits and flavoured alcoholic beverages.
The twelfth session of the Agricultural Value Chain | Discussion series continues to explore the value chain and its different components. This time, the series takes a closer look at the Tobacco industry, with considered commentary on the recent ban on the sale of tobacco products in light of the covid-19 pandemic.
Wilson Giel is a developing farmer success story. Fresh on the heels of his impressive wheat harvest, Scenario visited him on his farm AfgriFarmer, Harstwater, Phokwane municipality to talk to him about the growing pains, challenges and wins that he has experienced on the journey to farming success. A civil engineer by profession, he decided to give that up to pursue his farming passion.
As ‘n baie matige en gemaklike mens, is daar baie min goed wat my van stryk af bring. Maar die bespreking van die beste all round kaliber is een wat my dwars in die krop steek. Die grootste rede vir die gevoel is dat die antwoord - “want ek het een”, eintlik geen water dra nie, en in die meeste gesprekke gereeld opduik. Kom ons kyk of ons met feite dalk nader aan ‘n goeie all round kaliber antwoord kan kom.
Die uitbreek van die Covid-19 pandemie het alle besighede op 'n verskeidenheid vlakke geaffekteer. Sommige besighede se aktiwiteite het tot stilstand gekom, terwyl ander dit weer vinnig moes hersien en wyses moes vind om aan te gaan, ongeag die unieke en uitdagende omstandighede.
Favourable weather conditions have secured positive predictions for the South African agriculture sector’s maize harvest for 2019/2020. According the South African Crop Estimation Committee, South African maize farmers are expected to harvest 38% more grain in the 2019/2020 season compared with the previous season.
Wat moet in aanmerking geneem word? Voer is die grootste enkele koste in beesproduksiestelsels en is alternatiewe en goedkoper voer altyd in oorweging. Daar is verskillende roumateriale wat in herkouervoer ingesluit kan word en is daar nie noodwendig enige spesiale aspekte wat oorweeg moet word nie.
Covid-19 has brought about many unprecedented changes in our lives over the past few weeks with lasting effects on individuals, families, companies, industries, countries… in fact globally.
Optimale saaiboerderypraktyke begin met betroubare monsterneming en ‘n goed beplande bekalkingsprogram. Sodoende word die pH-vlakke reggestel tot op die vlakke wat gewasse nodig het om optimaal te groei.
Agri SA calls on government to be vigilant around produce trade. Globally, the decline in demand for agricultural produce has resulted in stock surpluses and over-capacitated storage facilities.
The eleventh session of the Agriculture Value Chain | Discussion series is a two-part discussion tackling issues that constrict youth inclusion and transformation in the South African agricultural landscape.
Farming is a business. Like any business, farming businesses require funding in order to perform at peak productivity.
South Africans have always been known for their willingness to reach out and help each other in times of need. This characteristic has clearly shone through once again. A number of projects have been launched to assist those who are struggling and in need, living in areas where the destructive effect of the disrupted economy is most visible.
The financial results of the group of companies reflect a 7,8% growth to R303m profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company for the 2019/2020 financial year. Earnings before tax, depreciation and amortisation increased by 17,6% from R533m to R627m, while earnings per share increased by 5,4% to 178,3 cents per share.
It may seem sudden to us, it may also seem like we are living through exceptionally unique circumstances, but history has seen it all before. Disease and plague have been a part of history for as long as the earth has existed.
Oor ureum en ureumvergiftiging is daar al baie geskryf, en alhoewel ons glo dat ons vertroud is met die risiko’s verbonde aan die gebruik van ureumbevattende rantsoene, sien ons steeds jaarliks groot verliese as gevolg van ureumvergiftiging.
Session 10 of the Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series continues to explore the complex world of Informal Trade in South Africa. The panel for this discussion is diverse and representative the different components of the entire agricultural value chain.
The ninth session examines the ins and outs of the agricultural informal trade sector in South Africa. The discussion explores the different issues and challenges around the sector as well as the viability and tremendous potential in small business development for this sector.
Beat the Winter chills with a healthy and hearty vegetable and lentil soup, perfect to keep any family warm.
Session 7 of the Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series tackles the SAFEX Differential as a hot topic and provides insights from various role-players within the Agri Value Chain. Anchor Dr John Purchase leads the panel once again and is joined by panellists Chris Sturgess JSE, Former Director: Commodity Derivatives; Frans Dreyer Senwes, Manager: Brokerage; Luan van der Walt Grain SA, Economist; Johan Strauss UFS, Lecturer; Stephan Kruger Producer; and Tjaart Kruger Premier Foods Ltd, CEO.
The Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series takes a closer look at various projects in the country that strive to curb the surge of hunger and desperation experienced in poor communities, where the devastating effects of the lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic is increasingly evident.
Senwes vat hande met landboubesighede en rolspelers in die waardeketting met die loodsing van die 'Agri Value Chain Food Umbrella’. Die doel van die inisiatief is om die gebrek aan voedsel en desperaatheid wat in arm gemeenskappe ervaar word, waar die vernietigende effek van die grendeltyd baie meer algemeen is, aan te spreek.
“The high crime levels, especially farm attacks, which leave the farming community vulnerable, have further escalated over the past weeks after relaxation of the lockdown measures. This has once again sent shock waves through the farming community. Criminality affects not only the farmer but also farmworkers and the rural community, which can only be regarded as an economic and emotional attack on agriculture,” said Tommie Esterhuyse, chair of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Rural Safety.
Session 8 of the Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series takes a closer look at various projects in the country that strive to curb the surge of hunger and desperation experienced in poor communities where the devastating effects of the lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic is increasingly evident.
Francois Strydom addresses staff and clients where he highlights three key aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic and also touches on commodity prices where he paints the short and medium-term outlook for grain, fruit and vegetables, and meat industries.
Theo Vorster praat oor die impak van die CoronaVirus op Suid-Afrika. Die eerste in ‘n reeks video’s waar Senwes sy klante, primêre produsente en prosesseerders, raad gee oor hoe om die COVID-19 pandemie te hanteer.
The sixth session of the Agri Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series brought to you by Senwes in partnership with Agbiz takes a closer look at logistics as one of the critical pressure points in driving our food security and competitiveness.
Francois Strydom, Senwes Group CEO talks on various radio shows about the AVC Food Umbrella. This initiative is answering the call of Agbiz to ensure food security amidst the disrupted economic activities due to the lockdown, as a result of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Theo Vorster praat oor die impak van die CoronaVirus op die ekonomie. Hierdie is die tweede video in die reeks waar Senwes sy klante, primêre produsente en prosesseerders, raad gee oor hoe om die COVID-19 pandemie te hanteer.
NERSA has announced its decision regarding Eskom’s Regulatory Clearing Account (RCA) application for the 2018/19 financial year. NERSA approved an RCA balance of R13,3 billion in Eskom’s favour. Eskom’s application was for R27.32 billion.
In the fifth session of the Agricultural Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series, brought to you by Senwes and Agbiz we get an introduction to the importance of open and competitive value chains and financing in the system, including the extent of primary agricultural debt and the need for insurance.
Theo Vorster praat oor die impak van die CoronaVirus op die landbousektor. Hierdie is die derde video in die reeks waar Senwes sy klante, primêre produsente en prosesseerders, raad gee oor hoe om die COVID-19 pandemie te hanteer.
Delivery number 418668 open for donations - Senwes is uniting the agricultural value chain with the launching of the Agri Value Chain Food Umbrella. This initiative is answering the call of Agbiz to ensure food security amidst the disrupted economic activities due to the lockdown, as a result of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Theo Vorster praat oor rasionele teenoor emosionele besluitneming en stel dat klante na die feite moet kyk en meganismes in plek te moet sit om emosies te bestuur. Emosionele besluite is gewoonlik die verkeerde besluite. Wees realisties oor aannames, hierdie probleem gaan met ons wees vir ten minste die volgende 12-maande.
In the third session of the Agricultural Value Chain Virtual Discussion Series, brought to you by Senwes and Agbiz, viewers get a lesson on the milling industry and how it operates.
The second session of the Agricultural Value Chain discussions brought to you by Agbiz and Senwes, puts the spotlight on the animal industry. Dr John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz, is anchoring the session and discussions are held between panellists who are key experts in the animal industry.
Senwes and the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz) have launched an ongoing virtual discussion series on the agricultural value chain. These informative discussions include an introduction to the agricultural value chain, followed by panel discussions focusing on various industries such as the meat and milling industries. Session 4 has also been uploaded and it focuses on primary producers.
Senwes launched the Agricultural Value Chain Virtual Discussion series on 24 April 2020. With the aim of educating consumers and the general public about the value chain and what it means for the ordinary man in his everyday life. This series is designed to provide intricate details of the inner processes of the agricultural sector, from the farm to the table.
Theo Vorster praat oor die aspekte wat klante en hul besighede nie nou moet doen nie. Hy stel voor klante pas aannames afwaarts aan, herbesoek begrotings, bly weg van groot projekte en moet nie aanneem die ekonomie gaan dadelik weer wees soos wat dit was voor die virus nie.
Senwes, in collaboration with the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz), will be hosting a virtual discussion series on the agricultural value chain. These are the first virtual discussions in the new revolutionary series - A new way of conversing and bringing the agri value chain together.
Senwes gee raad aan klante oor hoe om die COVID-19 pandemie te hanteer. In hierdie opnames praat Theo Vorster oor ‘n paar knelpunte soos die impak van die COVID-19 pandemie en verduidelik verskillende aspekte wat elke klante sowel as hul besighede nie uit die oog moet verloor nie.
Land Bank has warned debt holders of R50 billion that it is in danger of defaulting. The repayments in question are for its revolving credit facility, Land Bank cited a current “liquidity shortfall” as the problem.
Die twee vorige artikels het gefokus op die agtergrond en resultate van ’n studie waar nege alternatiewe witmielieverskansingstrategieë vergelyk is vanaf die 2002/03 tot en met die 2018/19 produksiejaar.
Alles begin en eindig met koolstof: “Carbon is the energy currency of soil.” (Dr. Kris Nichols; Rodale Institute). ’n Tekort aan koolstof in die grond sal gewasopbrengs onder druk plaas ten spyte van toenemende hoeveelhede kunsmis.
Senwes Scenario het by Senwes produsent AC van Wyk van ACH Boerdery in die Bultfontein omgewing gaan kuier om bietjie meer uit te vind oor hoe strategie deel van die groot vyf in landbou vorm. ’n Boer maak altyd ’n plan, so ‘n strategie is basies die uitbreiding van daardie planne.
Senwes proudly supports the agricultural value chain which is undoubtedly an essential service to South Africa and the rest of the world… #DoYou?
Vrugbare grond met ‘n gebalanseerde voedingsprogram is nodig vir optimale groei en ontwikkeling van gesonde blare wat die boom in staat sal stel om jaarliks ‘n kwaliteit drag te produseer.
We find more and more clients considering whether or not they should move all their life insurance policies into the trust as well. As with all financial planning scenarios, there is not one single answer that will suffice in all situations.
Agri SA calls for understanding and considerate conduct in agricultural value chains during the COVID-19 lockdown period. The agricultural sector has a massive responsibility to ensure food security during the lockdown period, but also in the trying economic times ahead.
Outline: Selected definitions relevant to agriculture, Transport overview: Aspects relevant to agriculture and Transport of staff (Bakkies & Trucks).
Senwes has the responsibility of making a meaningful contribution towards food security in South Africa through sustainable agriculture. This responsibility stretches across various segments in the agri value chain which include, amongst others, the supply of inputs and mechanisation solutions as well as grain handling, storage and logistical solutions to food producers and other role players in the value chain.
Moody’s downgrade of South Africa’s sovereign credit rating to ‘Ba1’ from ‘Baa3’ is not unexpected. A perfect storm has been in the making for some time due to policy uncertainty, weak economic growth, rising debt levels, a decline in income to the fiscus and high levels of corruption and ineptness in government departments.
Bewaringslandbou word as ’n volhoubare landboumetode bepleit om grondgesondheid te verbeter en oesopbrengste en voedselsekerheid te verhoog, terwyl insetkoste verlaag word.
Agri SA welcomes the release of results for the latest [1] Census of Commercial Agriculture (CoCA). We realise that good decision-making on the spectrum of matters that affect agriculture should be based on accurate and reliable information.
Consumers are urged to stop panic buying amid COVID-19. The increase in COVID-19 cases in South Africa is a major concern for everyone. The steps taken by the government to combat the further spread of the virus should be supported by all.
The 2020 NAMPO Harvest Day will be postponed to 11-14 August 2020, given that Government policies and guidelines permit the postponed date. Grain SA will evaluate and review the date by the end of June 2020 if necessitated by governmental regulations.
Herfs is hier en die deurdringende reënval, veral in groot dele van die Senwes-gebied die afgelope tyd, sal jou droë lente-/somertuin sommer gou opkikker. In die steeds droë gebiede soos die Noord- en Oos-Kaap is tuinmaak nie noodwendig ’n plesier as jy bloot net spartel om jou tuin aan die lewe te hou nie.
Voer is die grootste enkele koste in beesproduksiestelsels en alternatiewe en goedkoper voer is dus altyd 'n oorweging. Daar is verskillende roumateriale wat in herkouervoer ingesluit kan word en daar is nie noodwendig enige spesiale aspekte wat oorweeg moet word nie.
Topverkoperouteur Milanie Vosloo, wat die geloofsrubriek Kos vir die Siel vir Senwes Scenario skryf, neem lesers met haar nuwe boek Simfonie van Seën op ’n jaarlange reis om God se goedheid en seën elke dag in hulle lewens te ervaar.
In die skietgemeenskap is die dopontwerp van ’n kaliber soms net so ’n groot besprekingspunt soos kaliberkeuse. ’n Kaliber bestaan juis uit ’n koeël met ’n sekere deursnit wat in ’n spesifieke dopontwerp pas.
Ons is midde-in herfs en die winterkoue en strooptyd lê vir ons en wag. Dit is nou die tyd om seker te maak dat jy sonder enige probleme hooi of kuilvoer sal kan maak en dat jou stroper jou nie in die middel van stroopseisoen in die steek laat nie. Senwes Equipment se inspeksieprogram bied vir jou oplossings vir byna al jou plaastoerusting.
Having friends over this weekend? Jazz up your snoek with an apricot basting.
Many queries were received about what the command worm looked like. Worms have already been spotted in some districts. The worms can do great damage to crops and pastures.
The unexpected and alarming spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has sparked fears of a global economic slowdown. South African agriculture exports approximately 25 commodities amounting to a value of more than $10 billion annually.
This promises to be a good year for South Africa’s grain sector, at least from a production front. The data released yesterday by the Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) show that South Africa’s 2019/20 summer grains production could increase by 26% y/y to 16.8 million tonnes.
This was yet another challenging budget for South Africa. It was tabled at a time of low economic growth, constrained tax revenue and higher unemployment.
Met die uitgaan van 2019 en 2020 se intrap sien ons, soos in vorige seisoene, ‘n duidelike verandering in die weerspatrone. Die reënseisoen het letterlik geskuif en planne moet gemaak word om dit proaktief in elkeen se strategie in te werk.
The Agricultural development agency (AGDA) officially launched on Tuesday 18 February, as part of the Africa Agri Tech conference taking place at Sun Arena at Times Square in Pretoria.
Agri SA takes note of the increase of 3.8% to the national minimum wage which will come into effect on 1 March 2020.
Agri SA welcomes the attention President Cyril Ramaphosa gave to the Eskom crisis in his state of the nation address.
Senwes Equipment honoured their top performing team members at a function held on 7 February 2020 at The Barn at Senwes Head Office.
Having a braai this weekend? Pair your meat and sauce with these delicious deep fried pap balls.
Agbiz welcomes the greater realism articulated in the State of the Nation Address (SONA) by President Cyril Ramaphosa, and especially welcomes the emphasis on inclusive economic growth to address key challenges facing South Africa.
Dekgewasse word deesdae onvoorwaardelik saam met woorde soos grondopbou, grondgesondheid, volhoubare landbou asook grondherlewing of bewaringslandbou genoem. Dekgewasse vorm dus die kern of die belangrikste aspek in enige van hierdie ideologiese benaderings.
Wanneer dit by die produksie van hoë gehalte voer kom, kan die resultate geraak word deur enigiets van die weer tot tydsberekening, hantering en stoormetodes.
Gesamentlike persverklaring van Elmarie Prinsloo, CEO van die Bloemskou, Terry Strachen, CEO van die Royal Show (Pietermaritzburg), Albert Loubser, organiseerder van Nampo-ALFA (Bothaville), Johan Ehlers CEO van Agri Expo wat die Livestock ekspo aanbied (Stellenbosch) en Toit Wessels, hoofbestuurder Nampo Oesdag (Bothaville) en ook verteenwoordigend van Nampo Kaap (Bredasdorp).
Landbou-ondernemings sluit by Suid-Afrikaanse dataplatforms aan wat boerdery wil omvorm. John Deere het ’n platform ontwikkel waarmee derdepartyverskaffers van landboudienste, produsente met besluitneming help deur hul boerderydata te gebruik.
Verskeie faktore het ’n effek op die groeperings wat jy met jou geweer kan skiet. In vorige artikels het ons gesien dat ammunisie se spoed en patroonlengte nie noodwendig ’n groepering tot gevolg sal hê nie. In hierdie uitgawe ondersoek ons die effek van eksterne temperatuur op ’n geweer se groepering.
Slegs 72km vanaf Klerksdorp in die ooste, 62km vanaf Delareyville in die weste, 88km vanaf Lichtenburg in die noorde en 46km vanaf Wolmaransstad in die suide. Reg in die middel van Noordweskontrei wag die klein Noordwes landboudorpie van Ottosdal jaarliks vir die duisende atlete en besoekers aan die einde van Januarie - vanjaar was dit die 27ste agtereenvolgende byeenkoms.
Are you ready for the 2020 Ottosdal Draf & Trap? You better get fit and ready because it is happening this Saturday, 25 January in Ottosdal.
The world’s population growth will demand more food between now and 2050 than was produced during the previous 8 000 years. The key for the next few decades will be to deliver a new and innovative model of animal production that balances innovation with sustainability.
Agri SA calls on every South African to join hands and to pray for the future of our country, specifically for the much-needed agricultural sector.
The much-anticipated Agriculture Development Agency will be officially launched at the Africa Agri Tech Conference and Expo (AAT) on 18 February 2020, to be held at the Maslow Hotel, Times Square, Menlyn Main in Pretoria.
Die 2019 seisoen is gekenmerk deur ’n hoër as normale hoeveelheid lewerings van laer grade mielies. Veral witmielies in die Wes-Vrystaat, waar aanplantings laat was, het groot hoeveelhede mielies van ’n laer graad opgelewer.
Sonder ingryping, kan Suid-Afrika teen 2030 ’n tekort van ongeveer 3 000 miljard liter water per jaar ondervind, aldus die Departement van Water en Sanitasie (DWS) wat vroeër in 2019 tydens ’n interaktiewe ministeriële sitting oor transformasie in Boksburg die voorspelling gemaak het.
Senwes bied die afgelope drie seisoene ’n kollektiewe prysbestuurskontrak (KPK) aan produsente wat gebruik wil maak van die produk.
Dis kerstyd en reëntyd en wat is nou beter as pannekoek gedurende die tyd. Hierdie resep is deur Arina du Plessis geplaas na sy Gerrit en Gwynet Higgo se kersieplaas, Constantia, by Clocolan besoek het.
Many of our clients have a number of trust structures in place. These trusts distribute income and capital gains amongst each other prior to these being finally distributed to a natural person.
Senwes Scenario het ’n draai by Corné Kruger, Senwes Hoof Finansiële Beampte, gaan maak oor wat die omdraaistrategie destyds, na die draai van die eeu, behels het, dit wat vooraf gebeur het, die impak daarvan en die lesse wat geleer is, sowel as hoe dit die pad vorentoe bepaal ’n paar dekades daarna, met 2020 en die toekoms om die draai.
In landbou staan ons vroegdag op met ‘n lang lys goed om af te handel voor die son sak. Maar dink ons meer en meer of oor en oor oor die toekoms?
Senwes Scenario het met produsent Neels Fourie van Schweizer-Reneke gesels oor een van die groot vyf onderafdelings van toekomsstrategie in boerdery, naamlik menslike hulpbronne.
Phishing is a technique and/or the fraudulent action of sending emails, purporting to be from well-known companies, in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.
Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants without soil by instead using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Plants commonly grown hydroponically include tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and lettuces.
“Eskom has implemented stage 6 load shedding from 18:00 to 22:00 on Monday evening, catching the South African economy off guard,” says Nicol Jansen, Agri SA’s chair of the Centre of Excellence: Economics and Trade.
The interim financial results of Senwes reflect an 8,4% increase on the results of the previous year and earnings after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of R168m.
Die aandeelhouers van die maatskappye word hiermee ingelig dat Senwes en Senwesbel van Klerksdorp en Suidwes Beherend van Leeudoringstad in onderhandelinge getree het rakende moontlike transaksies wat, indien suksesvol, 'n wesenlike effek op die prys van die aandele van die onderskeie maatskappye kan hê.
On 28 November 2019 the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Lindiwe Sisulu, launched the much anticipated National Water and Sanitation Master Plan (NW&SMP) in Pretoria. The NW&SMP outlines the short, medium, and long-term strategy to safeguard water security for all South Africans.
Die plaaslike mark kyk nou reeds vorentoe na die nuwe produksieseisoen. Met die besluite wat geneem word rondom aanplantings, is dit belangrik om verskansing nie agterweë te laat nie.
During the late 1990’s and following the new political dispensation, almost all the agricultural co-operatives established under the then prevailing Co-operatives Act, resolved to convert to public companies.
Agri SA expresses its concern over the national banning of livestock auctions as a result of the latest cases of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Limpopo.
The BPI wheat harvest day took place on the 18th of November 2019 on the Pudimoe farm in Taung. Senwes joined hands with BPI in support of the development of black commercial farmers in South Africa. Listen to Morgen Bonnanye, Managing Director of BPI who tells us more about this initiative.
In die vorige twee artikels het ons gekyk na ’n proses om die akkuraatheid van jou wapen te bepaal. Ons het die veranderlikes bespreek wat ’n effek op jou akkuraatheid kan hê en ook die gebruik van spoed as ’n aanduiding van akkuraatheid bespreek. Saam met die bespreking van spoed het ek ses verskillende spoedtoetse geskiet om te bepaal watter effek konstante spoed op ’n groepering het.
Somer baljaar al op ons voorstoep en dié tyd van die jaar wil ons almal net onder die koeltebome sit en klets met vriende, of vroegoggend deur die tuin stap en die natuurskoon inasem. Daar is altyd ’n paar takies wat verrig moet word om die tuin mooi en gastevriendelik te hou.
South Africa’s top contributors to agriculture have been recognised at the Agricultural Writers SA Awards. The event, sponsored by Bayer, Rovic Leers, Santam Agri and Sanlam gives recognition to the work of those that seek to elevate food security and rural economies.
Golden Delicious apples hold their shape after they are caramelized with sugar and maple syrup, making them a perfect choice for this clever, giant one-pan pancake.
The strongest biomaterial ever has been assembled recently by Swedish, American and German researchers. It consists of cellulose, properly speaking of carefully parallel oriented cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs). The material is stronger than steel, even stronger than spider silk, regarded as the strongest biomaterial until recently.
In September 2018, the South African Constitutional Court decriminalised the growing and processing of cannabis for personal consumption. This meant that recreational users of marijuana could peacefully enjoy the use of the herb in their private spaces without worrying about breaking the law.
Falcon Agricultural Equipment will form part of the input supply service offer of the Senwes group of companies as from today, 1 November 2019.
Hundreds of producers descended upon Nampo Park on 29 October for the very popular Senwes Future Focus, which was presented in co-operation with Agri NW, Free State Agriculture and Grain SA, with OFM as media sponsor.
Project going well since 2007. Who could ever have guessed that a small gesture at one children's home in 2007 would result in such a massive action! Senwes staff and joint ventures, partners and sponsors delighted the hearts of hundreds of residents from 10 organisations in the Matlosana district and surrounding areas with a Christmas experience like never before, in October.
On Thursday, 24 October 2019 Senwes turned the spotlight to women’s cricket at the official press launch held at Senwes Park when Senwes CEO, Francois Strydom announced that the company has obtained the naming rights for the Senwes Dragons Women team.
Tydens die pas afgelope 2019 Agri SA kongres wat by Maslow Time Square Hotel by Menlyn in Pretoria plaasgevind het, het Agri SA Senwes gelukgewens met die maatskappy se 110-jaar viering in 2019.
Imvelo Safari Lodge in Bloemfontein was the gathering ground for the third annual African Farmer’s Association of South Africa (AFASA) agribusiness transformation conference where stakeholders in the agricultural sector gathered to share experiences and come up with possible workable solutions on how to overcome challenges facing farmers today.
Agri SA is deeply concerned by the negative impact that load shedding can have on the primary agricultural sector, the food value chain and the South African economy. “Eskom has implemented Stage 2 load shedding from Wednesday, catching the South African economy off guard,” says Nicol Jansen, Agri SA Chairman: Economics and Trade Centre of Excellence. “More advanced warning could have made a big difference for farmers and businesses to adjust their planning accordingly.”
It was a warm and sunny day of golf on 17 October 2019 and Senwes was a proud sponsor of the AgriSecuritas golf day, held at Pecanwood Golf & Country Club near Hartebeespoort Dam.
In die vorige artikel het ons die bepaling van akkuraatheid bespreek. Die teorie dat spoed ’n aanduiding is van hoe akkuraat ’n geweer skiet is bespreek, sodat die teorie in die artikel getoets word. Om die teorie in praktyk te toets, het ek die volgende skiettoets gedoen.
Is Suid-Afrikaanse produsente net navolgers of is hulle bereid om af te wyk van die produkstereotipes en vertroue te wys in plaaslik vervaardigde produkte?
Notice of a voluntary Offer to AgriRewards Participants to convert AgriRewards benefits to Senwes Shares
The annual Agri NW Congress took place on 18 September 2019. The theme of the congress was “Doen die regte dinge en doen hierdie dinge reg (do the right things and do these things right).
As ons praat oor besigheidversekering, word ons dikwels so op hoogte gebring van die struktuur en belastingimplikasies van besigheidversekeringspolisse, dat ons heeltemal vergeet van die doel wat die oplossings bied.
With the area focus on Hartswater and Magogong, we've included a recipe with a touch of pecan. Who wouldn’t be happy when offered one of these rich, delicious pinwheels of warm raised yeast dough topped with pecans?
LUISTER | OFM praat met Kobus Geldenhuys van Senwes Grainlink oor die 16de Toekomsfokusdag wat op 29 Oktober by Nampo Park aangebied word.
During the last session at Nampo Cape 2019, the table was set and Nation in Conversation anchor, Theo Vorster and the panel focused on the issues and challenges in the local wine industry.
Session one on day two of Nampo Cape 2019 dealt with the grain industry with a focus on cash crops such as wheat, canola, malting barley and other alternative crops.
Veiligheid in landelike gebiede is sterk op die voorgrond, maar dit behels veel meer as net veediefstal en aanvalle op plase en kleinhoewes.
Senwes was once again a proud sponsor of the annual Bultfontein Boertjiefees which took place on 30 - 31 August 2019. The show, held at the Bultfontein show grounds attracted the Bultfontein community as well as people who came from outside of Bultfontein.
Are your farming operations truly focussed on the future? Producers will have the unique opportunity to address the most important aspects in farming during the 16th Senwes Future Focus on 29 October 2019 at Nampo Park.
The second session on Day 2 of Nation in Conversation during Nampo Cape focused on the full impact of security issues facing rural communities, from immigration to infrastructure and production
The first session of Nation in Conversation at Nampo Cape kicked off at Bredasdorp Park on 4 September 2019 at 10:30 am, with the topic: The role of the private and public sectors in creating a growing economy in SA.
The agricultural community is gearing itself for the second annual Nampo Cape Agri-festival which will be held at Bredasdorp Park in the Overberg in September. And naturally, South Africa’s leading agricultural talk show, Nation in Conversation will be there to host engaging discussions on hot topics in agriculture, featuring some of the industry’s foremost thought-leaders. Panel discussions will be hosted by Theo Vorster.
Baie is soms redelik onbewus van die aanhoudende en uitgerekte handelsoorlog wat al vir ‘n geruime tyd tussen die VSA en Sjina plaasvind, maar dit het verreikende gevolge. RSG Landbou se Lise Roberts het by Graan SA ekonoom, Luan van der Walt gaan inloer om bietjie meer oor hierdié taktiek uit te vind.
Die plattelandse fees, wat in samewerking met Senwes aangebied word, beloof om vol pret en opwinding te wees vir die hele familie. Die fees is belaai met kompetisies, vermaak vir oud en jonk, musiek vanaf die Senwes uitsaai-eenheid, ‘n pretpark vir die kleingoed, kontantkroeg en hope stalletjies te kies en te keur.
Agri SA and Aerobotics have announced a partnership to provide South African farmers with access to free satellite farming data and the latest Aeroview In-Field Scouting Application. The partnership aims to accelerate access to analytical information at scale to assist farmers in the early identification of pest and disease and improvement of yield.
Waarom is dit belangrik? Uitslagpersentasie is een van vele faktore wat die waarde en opbrengs van ’n slagbees bepaal. Die bedryf het ’n belang by die uitslagpersentasie deurdat dit die gewig bepaal waarvolgens vir die eindproduk van die voerkraalbedryf betaal word.
This article looks at a company called AeroFarms which considers data science as part of their DNA. AeroFarms have developed their own patented vertical farming technology to completely transform the way fresh, safe, healthy and tasty food is grown at scale.
The Senwes and Senwesbel annual general meetings were held yesterday, 22 August 2019, at The Barn conference venue, Senwes Head Office in Klerksdorp. Non-executive director Simon Mohapi opened the meeting with the message that we are finding ourselves in very uncertain times while attempting to rebuild the country. The strategy and results were presented by Senwes Group CEO, Francois Strydom, and Senwes Group CFO, Corné Kruger.
The first signs of sunny skies are on the horizon and the Spring issue of Senwes Scenario is in mail for all the thousands of subscribers. The focus on this issue fall of technology in Agriculture.
The Senwes Group has been serving the agricultural and food sector for more than 110 years. This service offer was expanded over the past 110 years with innovative solutions to the integrated business model on which Senwes depends today to make a meaningful contribution to food security in South Africa.
Senwes Director, Thabo van Zyl, explains how the entire community in and around Itokisetseng benefits from the vegetable project, which was established in collaboration with Thobo Trust, Senwes' BBBEE partner, at the school, in Wesselsbron.
The Thobo Trust sponsored school gardening project initiative at Itokisetseng Primary School was featured on kykNET's Prontuit program on 29 July 2019. The program featured outstanding schools in remote areas that play a huge role in educating rural people.
Thobo Trust, the Senwes Group’s BBBEE and socio-economic partner, began work on a school gardening project on 23 October 2018. The launch of the project was held on 14 March 2019 at Itokisetseng Combined School, a stone’s throw away from the Senwes Losdoorns Silo.
Earlier this week, the fourth Senwes Equipment Stroper and Technology Day took place. This time near Hoopstad where the S780 John Deere combine harvester was on display. Watch the video for a 360 ° perspective from the cabin while stripping.
In her first policy speech as Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza’s message was centred on the ethical and efficient implementation of the department’s programmes, as well as the collaboration with stakeholders in the sector. Although it was her first policy speech, it, however, cannot be read as a blueprint of the department for a number of reasons that we outline below.
The 13th annual Senwes Spinners cricket tournament took place from 15 March – 17 March 2019 with the final taking place at Senwes Park in Potchefstroom and SuperSport Extra was there to document all the action.
The very first Senwes Silo Festival took place on Saturday, 20 July in Wesselsbron at the Sandveld High School and was a huge success. Here, Thabo van Zyl, Senwes Director and the organizer of the festival tell more about the day's proceedings. Senwes Chief Executive Officer Francois Strydom also talks about Senwes's involvement in communities and actions such as these.
Thursday, 18 July 2019, was the tenth celebration of International Nelson Mandela Day, Madiba's birthday. As usual, Senwesters committed themselves to a 67-minute action which will bring about a sustainable change in the community.
Agri SA is heartened by the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza's budget speech delivered at Parliament on 16 July 2019.