Water | Agri SA bied terugblik en verwagtinge

  • 17 December 2021
  • 1697

Die landbousektor het gedurende die jaar ʼn aantal opmerklike gebeure ervaar met betrekking tot water. In hierdie opiniestuk bied Janse Rabie, Hoof: Natuurlike Hulpbronne, Agri SA, sy mening oor die gebeure tot op hede. Hy gee ook sy mening oor wat in 2022 verwag kan word.

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Legal water use

In terms of the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998, all water usage has to be monitored by means of a licence or in terms of Section 35(4). In order to legally use water, an investigation has been launched to check registered/unregistered water usage on the farm.

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Technology: The answer to farming in water scarce conditions

“Farmers irrigate two to five times more than needed. This means fertilizer is flushed, yields drop and water for production is lost.” So said Zohar Ben Ner, Chairman of SupPlant, addressing the audience at a seminar where Agritech hosted Senwes and other delegates to demonstrate how Israel thrives in agriculture despite the country’s arid climate conditions.

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