Senwes App | New features to further enhance your user experience

  • 17 September 2021
  • 1871

At Senwes we are continuously looking for ways to reimagine the future and through the app, we are not only championing a new and more effective mode of communication and brand interaction, but also taking the complexity out of doing agri-business.

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Senwes breek nuwe grond met splinternuwe toep

Ter viering van die Senwes Groep van maatskappye se 112ste bestaansjaar, het dié agri-besigheid ʼn splinternuwe toep bekend gestel. Dié toep, genaamd die ‘Senwes App’, sal deur gebruiksgemak en slim funksionaliteit verseker dat inligting nooit verder as die spreekwoordelike punte van jou vingers is nie.

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